2025 - We are pausing for a moment. Our loved one was diagnosed with cancer. Please keep us in prayer.
daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Yuval Harari (Real Dangers Ahead) & Terry Cook (One world)

Noah Harari advisor to Klaus Schwab founder of the WEF says, “Fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population.” Whose we? What do you do with things you no longer need? He goes on to say, “because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology… and whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.” The answer is to redefine things…

daily biblical news

War For a One World Leader

The opposition against Israel’s existence as a nation is heating up and those in leadership push to get rid of Israel and Christianity. They want all borders and nations to be destroyed to assimilate them into the One World Order and Israel and Christians appear to be in the way. Of course eventually all religions …

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Daily Biblical Breaking News, Prophecy News

The Song “Imagine” by John Lennon Speaks Of “The World Will Be As One”

The song “Imagine” by John Lennon tells us to “imagine the world will be as one.” This is possible when we  “Imagine there is no heaven, no hell, no countries, no possessions…” Imagine Lyrics (Learn about this song) An article by WND has a video of different celebrities singing the song “Imagine” by John Lennon. …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Pope Francis, Globalist and New World Religion Mentioned at Summit

In the article it says “The Pope wants globalism to replace traditional religion.“ The last days began when Jesus Christ ascended back to heaven. Scripture tells us Christ is returning. All the way through, the bible gives insight into what the Tribulation time will be like. This lines up with those insights. Revelation 13:1-4 tells …

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daily biblical news

What is a Woman (Female) – Confusion Worldwide

The idea of “what a woman is” is causing confusion among many people around the world. We were going to leave this topic alone, but after what is happening, we cannot. It is clear that many have no idea how to define a woman or a man. However, we are going to focus on women …

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daily biblical news

Christians Inundated with Worldly Ways, Do You Battle With This?

Watch this video on how Christians battle with worldly ways. What is laid before them and the temptations they encounter each day. Why should Christians not be apart of the worldly ways? As a professing Christian, our life should exemplify the first part of this word, which is Christ. Living a life of the world, …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

World Leaders Preparing for “Build Back Better” – “The Great Reset”

“You Cannot ‘Build Back Better’ Unless You First Destroy” – Maajid Nawaz on the Great Reset — “They know that this [mandates, climate policies, etc.] is going to break apart the social fabric; that’s precisely what they want.” “What they’re hoping to achieve through the tearing apart of the fabric of our society is the total collapse of our financial system. And they’re hoping they can replace that with their New World Order.”….

daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

god Of This World vs. God Of The Bible

Whether knowingly or unknowingly, leaders are diligently setting things in place that are leading to a unified one world religion, which will be part of the Tribulation. Religious leaders want us to believe that “the “House of One” in Berlin (Germany) will be a large building where Jews, Christians and Muslims will have a space …

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light of the world

You Are The Light Of The World, Matthew 5

Matthew 5:14-16 KJV  “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine …

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Help One Another as Darker Days Approach

Time Of Distress and Chaos Is Here What a time to be alive. Those who know biblical prophecy see the “Day of the Lord” approaching at greater speed. Cultures and societies are embracing darkness at an alarming rate. Reason, logic, and intelligence is gone and we are to be tolerant and acceptable instead. Safe places …

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Is Monitoring You Going to Bring World Peace

In the bible, we are told there is a time coming when no one can buy or sell without the mark of Satan (Revelation 13:17). We have no idea what that mark is, but we do know it will control the life of every person, that is, if you take the mark you can conduct …

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All News Leading To One Place

The articles below seem random and individual but they are not, they are connected through scripture. They are connected to the events leading to the time when God’s wrath will judge every person. We are heading backwards in time as a people and yet forward to the completion of God’s plan. We believe technology has …

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How Can One Tiny Country Cause so much Upheaval

Israel is so small on the map the name is written over the water and yet they are in the news everyday. The news will have us believe it is because neither the land or the city of Jerusalem belong to the Jews. The news and anyone who thinks God is finished with His chosen …

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The Beginning Of a Lawless World, Persecution On The Rise

The bible describes what society will be like before the return of Christ Jesus. The picture drawn by the bible is not a pretty one but it is the true one. The bible says, 2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. Society will continue on …

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the new world order by Ralph Epperson and Living His Word

The New World Order In Place and Ready To Go! Are You Ready?

Last Updated: 8-16-2023 In the book New World Order, by Ralph Epperson, there is an outline showing the strategy of the NWO (New World Order). The strategy that is outlined is in play. How close is society to falling for their strategy? Ralph Epperson and a Glimpse From New World Order Book Here is a …

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who is cern

Who Is Cern And Is Our World At Risk

Updated Date: 01-06-2024 Who is CERN? CERN was founded in 1949 and is still thriving today. It has been fired up many times to try to learn the mysteries of our universe. “However, in 2012 CERN scientists were able to trap antimatter and observed the Higgs boson or “god particle”, which they believe would unlock …

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