Living His Word teaches you how to align your life more closely with God’s Word. We do this by providing the original meaning of the scripture in a clear and understandable way. This will help you know how to apply God’s Word to your daily life.
Discern Truth, Find Bible Verses & How to Apply God’s Word

Do you find the Bible hard to understand? Maybe you don’t know how to apply God’s word to your life? When you read a Bible study, do you wonder if they are telling the truth and worry about being misled?
There can be times when, reading the Bible, we feel lost in what God is saying. Which makes applying it to our lives seem out of reach. When studying God’s word looking for answers, do you find yourself questioning if what they say matches scripture. And do you instead find yourself asking more questions than when you first began reading. This is not uncommon, as there are many bible studies that cause confusion when the Truth is not spoken. When you have these doubts, it is crucial not to ignore this feeling. Instead, discern the truth by seeking reliable interpretations firmly rooted in the Word of God. Discerning truth from God’s Word will prevent you from being misled. This requires diligent study, prayer, seeking wisdom from God and reading trustworthy sources.
Living His Word only speaks the true Word of God, and we do not offer opinions or personal interpretations. We believe in the infallible Word of God, and taking it out of context is unbiblical. To provide the True Word of God, we spend time in prayer and study in depth, verse by verse, the original Hebrew and Greek meaning. Our hope is that our Bible studies will teach you how to practically apply God’s Word to your life. Although we provide biblical-based Bible studies, we believe everyone should follow the example of the Bereans. Which means diligently cross-checking our teachings against Scripture. It is the Holy Spirit that guides us into all truth, John 16:13-15. This enables us to grasp the meaning and application of God’s Word correctly.
How to Live Out God’s Word?
We live God’s word out by allowing His teachings to transform our hearts and guide our actions every day. Living out God’s Word requires more than just hearing or reading it – we must be “doers of the word,” James 1:22. As followers of Christ, we are called to be reflections of His love, grace, and truth in all we do.
This is done by the renewing of our mind through the Word of God (Romans 12:1-2). Having this mindset changes our thoughts, attitudes and emotions, which will change the way we live out God’s Word (behavior).
Psalms 119:11 tells us how to let God’s Word fill our hearts and govern our lives: “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Meditating on and treasuring Scripture helps us live according to its truth.
Paul instructs in Colossians 3:16 to “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” This means we see the word of Christ as an abundance of wealth to teach, admonish, and encourage one another through it. What we treasure in our hearts shapes our thoughts, speech, and actions.
In summary, we live out God’s Word by:
- Doing what it says, not just hearing it (James 1:22).
- Storing Scripture in our hearts to overcome sin (Psalm 119:11).
- And the word of Christ is abundant wealth that lives in us (Colossians 3:16).
Living by God’s truth is challenging, but immensely rewarding when we fully embrace and apply it in our daily lives.
How to Live the Word of God Through Our Daily Lives
Living the Word of God through our daily lives begins with understanding that we must be more than mere hearers of the Word. Our goal is to apply God’s teachings to our daily lives. This will transform our lives into the reflection of Christ. This practical application of faith goes beyond mere knowledge. It’s about allowing God’s Word to shape our actions, decisions, and relationships, visibly demonstrating our commitment to Christ.
It’s a daily commitment to follow Jesus, even when it’s difficult. Meaning we pick up our cross daily, and we choose God’s way over our own desires. This isn’t easy, but it’s how we grow.
As we practice this daily surrender, we examine our hearts against God’s word. We do this to make sure we are bearing righteous fruit, Psalm 139:23-24. This changes our actions from ungodly choices to choices that honor God. Here are some practical examples of how to live the word of God in our daily lives.
Embodiment of Faith
The heart of a believer is to walk out their faith in every part of their life. We do not do this perfectly, but as we mature, our actions will habitually reflect God’s word.
Which means we are to live out our faith in every aspect of our life. Making our actions a reflection of the teachings found in the bible.
Integrity and Authenticity
In order to represent Christ, we must walk what we talk. We should not be a different person with different people. We love God’s commands and this makes our behavior line up with what we believe. Our integrity influences our behavior to agree with what we believe. A believers life should clearly show they have biblical values.
Christ Like Behavior
Our consistent walk of obedience will encourage and give strength to other believers. Unbelievers watch our actions in situations and circumstances as well. We have the opportunity to show them a different way to respond to life, Acts 16:19-34. It is our attitudes, actions, and words that are the testimony of Who we believe. The goal is to be a strong witness of who Christ is to others, so they want what you have.
Commitment to God’s Teachings
Jesus tells us that those who truly love Him obey His commands. This obedience stems from a heart devoted to God.
Genuine commitment to God’s teachings starts with love for His Word. We obey not out of duty, but out of affection.
To grow in this commitment, we:
- Regularly study Scripture to understand God’s will;
- Pray for wisdom to apply His teachings in our lives;
- Seek to align our actions with biblical principles;
- Reflect on how God’s Word impacts our daily decisions.
As we deepen our love for God’s teachings, our commitment to living them out strengthens. This commitment isn’t always easy, but it shapes our character and draws us closer to God.
Impact on Others
As believers, God expects us to impact the lives of others through what they see. Not to become us but to want to know the Person Who makes us different from the world. Which means our walk with the Lord should have an impact on the world through our words, actions, and character.
Below are some scriptures of how we impact others.
- Be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16). Believers are called to shine God’s light in a dark world.
- Teach the true word of God (Matthew 28:19-20).
- We are to share the gospel (Mark 16:15). We’re called to proclaim the good news to all creation.
- Live in the world but not of it (John 17:14-16). Christians should be distinct from worldly values.
- Explain the hope within us with gentleness and respect, 1 Peter 3:15.
- Be ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). Represent Christ and His message of reconciliation.
- Bear fruit (John 15:8): Glorify God by bearing much fruit, showing we are Christ’s disciples.
Active Faith
The word of God, given through the Holy Spirit, is alive and active in our soul (Hebrews 4:12). This means our faith in Christ, (the Word) works in us to shape our choices, actions, and relationships. An active faith will show itself through the good works of God, James 2:17-19; 26.
Expository Teaching: Sharing God’s Word Authentically
Our sincere purpose is to faithfully share God’s Word through expository teaching. This means we focus on teaching the Bible as it is written and in context. The gift of teaching comes with much responsibility, James 3:1. This means we are not to add to or improve God’s word to meet today’s beliefs. Nor are we to leave out the scripture that offends the world. The goal is to personally study and know the original meaning of the Scriptures and present it in a way that is clear.
In doing this, God’s word speaks for itself. We allow scripture to explain scripture. Then the truth is told and wisdom starts to unfold before us. This is what will transform our lives and guide our actions. We pray your hearts hunger and thirst for expository teaching through God’s word. You can read our bible studies by title, book name or simply search by adding a couple of words of what you are looking for. We also provide long and short teaching videos.
We are called to Share the Gospel
Do you really know what it means to share the love of Christ? We are to share the truth of God out of love for others. We do this because we know they are dying in their sin. Salvation is why we share the love of God. Sharing God’s love through His Truth is our calling.
Read Sharing His LoveQuestions People Ask When Studying the Bible
Who wrote the Bible?
The bible was written by the hand of man but the words are from the Holy Spirit, 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21.
How do the Old and New Testaments connect?
The Old Testament is the promise of the Messiah coming. The New Testament is the promise fulfilled.
How can the Bible’s teachings apply to my life today?
To apply God’s word, it will take understanding what God says in the context in which He says it. Scripture is not limited to time. This makes the bible timeless wisdom and knowledge. Because God is not limited by time Isaiah (40:8; Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:25).
What do the individual words mean in the Bible?
To learn the individual words in the Bible, you will need to begin an in depth study of the Hebrew and Greek original words. There are many Bible tools, but the one’s we trust are E-Sword and Bible Hub.
We pray that you will come to know Jesus through a personal relationship.
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Living His Word’s bible studies are based on the Word of God, what it says, the context, and what it means. Reading and studying God’s Word is the only way to discern truth from lies.
Biblical News: What is Going On?
Our Biblical News we share does not follow the fake narrative of main stream media. You not see or hear this kind of news on T.V. or radio. Having a biblical outlook helps to make sense of what is happening around the world.
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Share your prayers for Israel on our prayer page. As believers in Christ, we are to love what God loves and hate what God hates. Romans 12:9