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Home / Bible Teachings / 14 Bible Verses on God’s Love. Where is God During these Hard Times?

Living in Dark Times – Word of Encouragement

Ever feel no one understands your pain? Fear is where you live. Anger is your first emotion. Or are you tired because life comes at you non-stop. You look at yourself and your life and you see an unmanageable mess with no way out. And every sinful choice leads to another sinful choice. Now the hole is to deep and to dirty.


Saul becomes Paul, Lies become Truth – Word of Encouragement

Paul did not always see Jesus as someone worthy to be known. Paul came from a background filled with honorary heritage. He followed the law and trusted in his own righteousness. Also, he had great accomplishments under his belt at a young age (Galatians 1:14, Philippians 3:7-9). So he knew and understood who Jesus claimed to be. He considered Jesus claims to be heresy. This caused him to hunt and kill believers (Acts 9:1-2).


Where Is God When I Need Him Most

  Where is God? Where is God is a question that has been asked throughout the ages. It is another way of asking, Why God! We at some point in our walk with the Lord will become acquainted with suffering. And will be tempted to ask, where are you God? This question enters the heart …

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Why Did Jesus Come To earth?

Why did Jesus come to earth? He came to be the propitiation for our sins and the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). Through His death on the cross He made the way for people to be right with God (John 14:6).


Do We Love Jesus or Not, 1 John 2

God continues to tell us to take sin seriously and do not sin. But we know we still sin. So, Chapter 2 of 1 John gives us the solution to our sin problem. The chapter begins with who Jesus is, our Advocate…

Light Of Christ Shines Through The Darkness Of Today

Light of Christ shines Through the darkness of today

News today involves spreading lies and keeping people in a certain state of mind. One of the ways they do this is by changing the way scripture is written. Isaiah 5:20 KJV Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for …

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Does God Have a Plan? He Warned us in His Word.

Does God Have a Plan? He Warned us in His Word.

Will our lives go back to normal? There is so much chaos and confusion. Do those who seem to have the answers really have the answers? Who do you trust?  Does God Have a Plan? Yes, God does have a plan. God laid out His plan in His word thousands of years ago. Many prophecies …

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But God! Hope when tragedy strikes in our life

  Imagine you walked with the Provider, the Protector, and the Word for 3 years. Food appeared out of no where, money was found in the mouth of fish, and holy scriptures spoken and explained by Jesus like no one ever had. This was a time of amazing events for the disciples. Jesus provided for …

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If we claim or say – Just exactly what does this mean 1 John 1:6, 8 & 10

How did John describe Jesus? John begins by giving us a description of what he and the other apostles witnessed when Jesus walked on this earth. Table Of Contents How did John describe Jesus? Our life should represent the “Word of Life” Meaning of “Word of Life” Walk the “Word of Life” What does it …

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Writing On The Wall – Daniel 5

The writing on the wall is a phrase found in the book of Daniel, chapter 5. It is a description of the destiny of those who mock God. This is an analogy of how choices were made without God and God’s response to those choices. Even though this is in the Old Testament, this still …

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Have we lost the war? Open your eyes, ears and heart to see God’s Truth!

Is the battle over? Psalm 12:1-2,4 NASB Help, Lord, for the godly person has come to an end, For the faithful have disappeared from the sons of mankind. 2 They speak lies to one another; They speak with flattering lips and a double heart. 4 Who have said, “With our tongue we will prevail; Our lips are our own; who is lord …

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God Is Light, In Him There Is No Darkness, 1 John 1

Updated: 11-1-2022 Jesus was not a figment of the apostle’s imagination. He was not a human being who became God sometime during his time here on earth. This letter (epistle) was written for us to know, Jesus was God in flesh. In the apostles, everyday experiences with Jesus, such as, seeing, touching, and hearing what …

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Jesus Came To Die Of His Own Will To Give Us a Savior, Luke 9

Jesus Came To Earth For One Purpose Jesus came to this earth with one set purpose, to make a way for people to be right with God. In order to do this He would have to die for the sins of mankind to appease God’s wrath. So, Jesus came to the earth to die. Luke …

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How To Cope With Ungodly People

Psalm 97:10 KJV Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. World Embracing Ungodly People It is difficult to watch societies around the globe embracing all kinds of godlessness. Sin destroys and kills everything it touches. Pride equals rebellion …

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what does the bible say about scoffers proverbs 15

What Does The Bible Say About Scoffers? Proverbs 15

There are many scoffers out there and some are easy to spot and some are not. Their belief of God’s word being the absolute authority on God, living a holy life, or going to heaven is not absolute. As we head toward Christ’s return scoffers will not see God’s word as a precious treasure. As …

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light of the world

You Are The Light Of The World, Matthew 5

Matthew 5:14-16 KJV  “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine …

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