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H.R.5 – Equality Act. How will this effect you?

H.R.5 – Equality Act 116th Congress (2019-2020) bill was passed. This carries the name “equality,” but it will not promote equality. Instead of equality, this rejects the true living God. Hate toward God-the Father and God-the Son spills over into and onto everything as it increases around the world. Darkness is seen as light. Light …

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Christian “Yusuf” paid the ultimate price for his faith

Why the news about Christians being persecuted? Because the persecution grows everywhere, including in America. The time is coming quickly when persecution will fill the earth. Pastor Andrew Nyanma said,  “We had been talking on several occasions but he was so argumentative when we touched on matters related to faith. He was a brilliant Muslim …

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Outlawing Christianity is Beginning, Christians Jailed in India

India is not alone in passing laws to make spreading the good news of Christ unlawful. NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A Korean Christian and three nationals of India are in jail in Uttar Pradesh state, accused of fraudulent conversion attempts while distributing food and other aid to people in need due to COVID-19 …

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4 men preaching the gospel are challenging the U.K. for harassment

Four men who preached the gospel in the UK  “are having their case heard in court today as they challenge what they call a “sustained campaign of harassment” by the U.K. police as they have faced criminal charges and were jailed — and some were prosecuted, in light of public rejection of the proclamation of …

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god Of This World vs. God Of The Bible

Whether knowingly or unknowingly, leaders are diligently setting things in place that are leading to a unified one world religion, which will be part of the Tribulation. Religious leaders want us to believe that “the “House of One” in Berlin (Germany) will be a large building where Jews, Christians and Muslims will have a space …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Bible Belt States Elect Ungodly People To Lead Them

What is the Bible Belt  Question: “What is the Bible Belt?” Answer: The Bible Belt is an informal expression used to refer to a region in the Southeastern and South-Central United States. This area is known as more theologically evangelical and socially conservative than the rest of the United States. States comprising the Bible Belt …

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lord is our blessed hope

Christians Brutally Tortured for Their Faith In North Korean

Christians are being persecuted all over the world. At one time, America was free from oppressive persecution. But that can not be said anymore. Churches have been forced to close, be fined for not closing, or follow ridiculous rules. Teachers or leaders of the young in our schools are fired or told to stop praying …

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Doing Everything They Can To Silence God’s Truth!

I pray you have been and are preparing for battle. The intense war against Christ and His followers has been far away from America. But no more. Hatred of God is out in the open. Of course California is not the only state to use their power to discriminate against Christians. LA County Takes Back …

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Former Persecutor of Christians, Thien Nguyen Now Suffers for His Faith

In the article titled “Former Persecutor of Christians in Vietnam Now Suffers for His Faith”, we find someone who experienced what Saul experienced. Thien Nguyen did exactly what Saul did. He went around seeking Christians and then persecuting them by arresting them for their faith. Little did Thien Nguyen know that God had a plan …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Lawlessness Abounds In America, Matthew 24

The world is spiraling into lawlessness. But this does not mean things are out of control. It actually means prophetic signs are falling into place (Matthew 24).  Lawlessness Abounds When the wicked heart hears the restrictions are lifted, we witness the truth about the innermost part of people.  “The insanity that is 2020 continues and …

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Sam Coonrod Chose Jesus Christ and Did Not Bow Before Man

Sam Coonrod chose Jesus Christ by not bowing but standing. His action gives us a good visual of the narrow path and the wide path. Matthew 7:13-14 KJV 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which …

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Is Being Persecuted a Gift or a Curse?

Some may see being persecuted as a bad thing or even worse as a curse. However, God told us when we live a godly life we will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus tells us we will be persecuted and suffer tribulation (John 16:33). This means persecution will be, in some form, a part of …

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Antisemitism Dates Back To The Old Testament, Genesis 12

Antisemitism might look like something new but surprisingly it is not. Hatred of Jews is found in the Old Testament. In this article by World Israel News there is a push for a president that is against Israel. “Galvanizing voters who may share the views of people like Omar and Ellison will be cause for …

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Small Town Church in Tennessee is Giving Back To Law Enforcement

“Our church watched over the last few weeks … the way that our police officers were treated all over the country,” Cleek said at the White House.” christianheadlines.com “Police officers, he said, have “been demonized and disgraced and dishonored.”…“I think small towns all over America feel like we do: that we want our voice to …

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daily biblical news by Living His Word

Teaching Children About Porn, Having Sex And Liking It

“One passage, the institute said, reads: “From six up, I used to kiss other guys in my neighborhood, make out with them, and perform oral sex on them. I liked it. I used to love oral.” wnd.com “Some of the material in the packs comes from the LGBT activist group Educate and Celebratel and a …

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China Ask Christians To Renounce Their Faith or Starve

Anyone remotely familiar with the Chinese Communist Party knows that its leaders and members shun theocracy and religion because the only ‘higher power’ they want ordinary citizens to believe in, adhere to, and follow is CCP doctrine. But they do more than simply ‘shun’ it: The CCP has a vile history of punishing citizens who …

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