2025 - We are pausing for a moment. Our loved one was diagnosed with cancer. Please keep us in prayer.
daily biblical news

Why America’s Borders Are Still Open in 2024!

America’s borders are still open in 2024 for many reasons. One of them is that we have leaders in America who are not protecting their citizens. For those who see what is going on, they understand that our government is against its people. They are purposely ignoring our Constitution and our established borders. God gave …

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Why do we celebrate Christmas?

Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?

We celebrate Christmas for different reasons, but one of them is to celebrate Jesus. Christians each year remember the true meaning of what Christmas is about. This is the biblical meaning of Christmas, and it begins like this: Before the foundation of the world, God chose His son to save man from their sins. In …

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daily biblical news

Mainstream Media: Are They Being Truthful or Lying to You?

As you listen to the mainstream media, they all sound the same. It’s difficult to know whether they are being truthful or lying to you. Especially in America on each news station, every mainstream media newscaster sounds like a robot reciting the same script. Where did they receive their news, and why are they all …

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Antisemitism Growing by Leaps and Bounds

Antisemitism is being witnessed all over the world. It didn’t die; it went into hiding. Since the war between Israel and Hamas, antisemitism has increased. For those unaware of what this is, it means “the intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people”. As believers in Christ, we are to love the Jewish people and …

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daily biblical news

The Deception That Was Overlooked – Israel War 2023-2024

By now, everyone around the world knows about the Israeli and Gaza war. But what happened may surprise you. Israel allowed their neighbors to come in and work. They did this for a while and became complacent because they overlooked the deception of their enemy. They forgot what they knew. Therefore, Israel was deceived, thinking …

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daily biblical news

Companies Censoring Your Search Results – What is Going On?

Companies censoring your search results have been around for quite some time. However, over the past years, censoring search results has increased. Every country censors information, and it affects everyone. Major companies censor what you search for and decide for themselves whether it is fact or fiction. Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, …

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Christians Are to Walk in the Light (1 John 1)

Christians are to walk in the light and live according to God’s word. This is what separates us from the world. However, the sad truth is that many are not walking habitually in the light of Christ. The early church was filled with many false teachers, as it is today. God wants us to know …

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UFOs, Aliens, ET are they Real? What Does the Bible Say?

People have been talking about aliens for years. The thought that extraterrestrial life could possibly exist has fascinated humans for centuries. The belief that humans on Earth are not alone has sparked curiosity, debates, research, and investigations. People believe that aliens, also known as ET or extraterrestrial beings, come from other planets. I’m sure many …

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daily biblical news by Living His Word

People Mocking God – Are They Speaking The Truth?

In today’s world, it’s not uncommon for people to mock God. We find this in every genre, including the church. Whether it’s through social media, entertainment, or everyday conversations. But are these individuals speaking the truth? The video below is one of many out there who mock God. They take His word and twist it …

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daily biblical news

America, Israel And 1 Samuel 8 – What Do They Have In Common?

God chose the nation of Israel to be His chosen people. He blessed them, guided them, and he protected them. America is not a chosen nation, per se, but we are a nation that was founded on biblical principles. We also have been blessed, guided and protected by God. However, today in America, people do …

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Artificial Intelligence AI, Human Mind and the Bible

Last Updated: 01-06-2024 Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is making headlines and grabbing lots of attention globally. However, did you know that AI technology is part of the 4th industrial revolution? Why is this important? Because knowing what this revolution is about will draw a bigger picture of what is coming and what they want. Learn more …

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daily biblical news

What Does God Say About having Borders (Boundaries)?

The discussion of borders is an important topic. There are those who want borderless borders and those who understand that borders are needed. The real reason why borders were made in the first place has lost its true meaning. We know borders serve multiple purposes. Why Do We Have Borders, and What Is Their Purpose? …

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daily biblical news

Are You Aware of GMO, mRNA, and Lab Grown Food happening Now?

There is a significant amount of genetic modification (GMO) in the food that we consume. Some foods are being grown in laboratories, and researchers have begun to incorporate mRNA into the process. They are altering the way that God originally designed food, which is a very concerning development. Below, we will briefly discuss each one. …

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God will provide comfort in anguish, deep dark place, and your distress Psalm 77

God Will Provide Comfort In Anguish and Distress – Psalm 77

There are times and even seasons when we find ourselves in deep trouble. A trouble that is not normal to everyday life. We all experience things coming out of nowhere that turn out worse than we could ever imagine. The intrusion into our lives affects our soul with deep grief.  Psalm 77, tells us that …

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daily biblical news

Russia, Turkey, Iran and Syria are fulfilling Biblical prophecy

Russia and Iran are leading the way to “normalize relations between Turkey and Syria.” Russia, Turkey, and Iran are part of the nations that will come together and attack Israel. The diplomat said that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a joint news conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry that Russia supported participation …

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daily biblical news

Pastor says, “God is you, and you are God” Can man become God?

How many sermons have you heard that say “you are God”, “God is you” or “man can become God?” All these statements are based on Genesis 3:4-5, “For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” From this time …

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What is the Bible's teaching on anger and forgiveness?

What is the Bible’s teaching on anger and forgiveness?

Everyone is born with the emotion of anger. Everybody occasionally expresses anger in one way or another. However, there is a Godly way to handle your anger and a worldly way to handle it. We are all too familiar with the worldly way. The bible talks about anger and says that when you get angry, …

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daily biblical news

Climate Change (Goal 13) – Will Earth be Destroyed?

Updated: 01-06-2024 The climate change debate is getting more heated, and this topic is gaining a lot of attention right now.  Climate change, also known as Goal 13, is part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda is not a quick read or easy to follow. There are many breadcrumbs that are connected …

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