The discussion of borders is an important topic. There are those who want borderless borders and those who understand that borders are needed. The real reason why borders were made in the first place has lost its true meaning. We know borders serve multiple purposes.
Why Do We Have Borders, and What Is Their Purpose?
We have borders because we want to protect whatever is inside that border. If you think about it, everyone has a border of some sort. In the USA, we have fences surrounding our yards, locked doors inside our homes, and other features. In other countries, they have borders that suit their needs. However, the focus of this discussion is on the fact that everyone has some sort of border to safeguard their belongings. For example;
You may not want to secure the border of the United States, but you certainly want to secure the border of your home. The problem is the security of your home is affected by the security on your street, which is affected by the security in your town, which is affected by the security in your state and your country. [1]
The word border means, “the outer edge of anything; the surrounding line or exterior limit of a country; frontier; boundary…” [2] Another word for border is boundary. What is a boundary? Boundary means, “a mark designating a bound or limit…” [3]
Understanding what borders do and how they protect us is vital. In this article, it states;
You don’t let just anyone and everyone into your home. If you did, your home would be destroyed, possibly by a criminal element, but most definitely by the fact that your home couldn’t physically handle a large influx of people. In a similar way, open borders would kill the golden goose called America—it would destroy the very environment which entices people to come here in the first place.
So while an open borders policy may sound compassionate, it actually leads to disastrous results. [1]
However, the elites want to change our viewpoint on what borders are really about. They see borders differently! Let’s take a brief look at the language used to express it and translate it into basic terms.
World’s View Concerning Borders
The global elites want a borderless world. They want us to believe that this is something positive, helpful, and good for everyone. They picture it as people coming and going as they please. The idea they are presenting is that borders are bad. Their statement is; “There is increased rhetoric in parts of the world about the need for borders and walls.”
They see borders as a roadblock to “global interconnectedness.” The World Economic Forum says;
Technology gives us a level of global interconnectedness that we’ve never before experienced. If we couple that physical/virtual interconnectedness with an attitude of openness, then the world becomes both limitless and a lot smaller. [4]
Then we decided to ask ChatGPT “What is the purpose of borderless borders for the 2030 agenda?” ChatGPT said;
The purpose of “borderless borders” in the 2030 Agenda is to emphasize the interconnected nature of the world and the need for global cooperation in achieving sustainable development. In this context, “borderless borders” refer to the idea that national borders should not be barriers to the free flow of ideas, technology, goods, services, and people, and that international cooperation is necessary to address global challenges such as climate change, poverty, inequality, and conflict.
Even though the global leaders continue to push their ideology concerning borders, God says the Truth about borders.
What Does The Bible Say About Borders (Boundaries)?
The Bible talks a lot about boundaries (borders) and why they are important. In the book of Acts, God says that when He made the world, He gave it boundaries.
Acts 17:26 BSB; From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands.
The bible does not “mandate open borders or prohibit walls.” [1]
God Himself scattered people by language (Gen. 11), and the promised land of Israel had definite borders, as did its surrounding nations. In fact, Moses respected the border of Edom by asking permission of the King of Edom to pass through that country (Moses was denied, as you’ll read in Num. 20:17-21). Jesus acknowledged that nations need to be reached (Matt. 28:17-20), and Paul declared that God intends nations to have legitimate rulers (Rom. 13:1). Paul even used his status as a Roman citizen to protect himself from harm (Acts 22:25-26). And the Scriptural commands not to steal presuppose borders and the right to private property. [1]
God sets boundaries for each person and nation. Borders are to protect the people within them. In a godly nation, God allows their borders to protect them from enemies that want to take the land and take the people prisoners.
When we are in obedience to God, He uses borders as a hedge of protection around the people (nation). When a nation or individual commits sin, God removes the hedge (border) of protection, causing the people (nation) to go into captivity. Therefore, when God allows a nation’s borders to be overrun, that is His judgment for the sins of that nation. We see this in action all through the book of Judges. The Israelites sinned, and God sold them into the hands of their enemies.
Judges 2:11-15 BSB; 11 And the Israelites did evil in the sight of the LORD and served the Baals. 12 Thus they forsook the LORD, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt, and they followed after various gods of the peoples around them. They bowed down to them and provoked the LORD to anger, 13 for they forsook Him and served Baal and the Ashtoreths. 14 Then the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and He delivered them into the hands of those who plundered them. He sold them into the hands of their enemies all around, whom they were no longer able to resist. 15 Wherever Israel marched out, the hand of the LORD was against them to bring calamity, just as He had sworn to them. So they were greatly distressed.
Countries that follow the ways of Israel will experience the same fate as the Israelites. America would be one of them because we constantly mock godly morals. We, as a nation, have turned our backs on God. God responds to every person’s or nation’s sin, and sin comes with a wage. This wage is eternal death.
Romans 6:23 BSB; For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Jesus is coming. Will your fruit bring the wages of eternal death or eternal life?
Truth About the Border and a New Migrant Surge

We have a PROBLEM at the BORDER!!! What’s coming next is UGLY!!!
- What Does Scripture Actually Say About Our Borders?, by Charisma News,
- English Dictionary by Annandale, Charles, Ed., BORDER,
- English Dictionary by Annandale, Charles, Ed., BOUNDARY,
- The fall and rise of global borders, by World Economic Forum,
The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible, BSB Copyright ©2016, 2020 by Bible Hub Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. – Berean Bible
Pray to have our wicked leadership to be removed and for Godly leadership to abound. Tired of evil people, their ways and thoughts. Lord please forgive us and our sin’s we committed against you. I want you in my life and I pray against this evil. Let your Glory shine and cause the wicked to stumble.