2025 - We are pausing for a moment. Our loved one was diagnosed with cancer. Please keep us in prayer.
what comes to mind concerning Christmas and the birth of Jesus

What Comes to Mind Concerning Christmas & the Birth of Jesus?

      Every year, as December 25th approaches, many people consider how they will celebrate Christmas. What comes to mind when you think of Christmas? Why do you celebrate Christmas? Christmas is celebrated for many reasons, and some are erasing the meaning of what Christmas is really about. For others, it will be about one …

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daily biblical news by Living His Word

Is Jesus Transgender? the truth from a biblical view

Claiming Jesus is Transgender Dr. Michael Bannon, the dean of Trinity College, made the claim “that Jesus Christ could have been transgender.” What is this conclusion based on? The conclusion is based on “three paintings of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.” Heath pointed to Jean Malouel’s 1400 artwork Pietà (seen below) as proof that Jesus …

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daily biblical news

CNN Talks about the Rapture – What is the Biblical Truth?

We chose this article because there are those who do not truthfully teach and preach the word. Biblical doctrine has been watered down in order that people are comfortable with their sin. There is no more teaching the Truth and confronting sins. The saddest part is pastors are not teaching biblically in the church anymore. …

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daily biblical news

Newsom Adds Bible Verse to Promote Abortion

Proverbs 6:16-19 NASB1995 16 There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, 19 A false witness who utters lies, And one who …

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daily biblical news

2022- Alliance between Russia, Iran & Turkey (Ezekiel 38)

These articles are to show us the coming together of God’s plan for the future. Part of His plan is, there will be an alliance between Russia, Iran, Turkey, and other nations. Ezekiel 38 gives us a list of these nations. Also telling us they will come against Israel for booty. The articles below will …

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how to live endure the storms of life

How To Live (Endure) The Storm Of Life!

  The Storms of life teach us how to be, live and endure these dark times. These storms are to draw us closer to God and to know who God is. As a great storm of life arises, it will want to break us. To the point that our emotions, mind, and heart are flooded with fear.  …

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Daily Biblical Breaking News, Prophecy News

Bestiality (zoophilia), Sex with Animals, What Does God Say?

In an article titled “German protesters demand “right” to have sex with animals, including dogs, horses, boars and anything else they can catch.” The German people want the legalization of having sex with animals. The Zoophilia Pride March is about them pushing their desires to have sex with animals and their pet animals. To push …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Controlling You, the POPULATION, Meaningless Worthless People

Article states “Del Bigtree Responds to Yuval Noah Harari Calling the Masses “Meaningless, Worthless People” No beating around the bush here. “The product this time will be humans themselves. Learning to produce bodies and minds…. The biggest question of economics and politics of the coming decade will be what to do with all these useless …

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embrace God's love - rooted and grounded in his love

Embrace God’s Love – Be Rooted and Grounded in His Love

The depth of our hope, joy, and faith becomes stronger when we embrace God’s love. When we strive to be rooted and grounded in His love, our lives will reflect all we have received. John, through the Holy Spirit, tells us to look at the love that God has given us in making us His own children.

How to be Rooted and Grounded in His Love

When we embrace God’s love, we become deeply rooted and grounded in His love (the love of Christ).

How can we be rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17)? — After explaining to the believers at Ephesus the incredible new life that God has given them by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:1—3:13), Paul adds that he prays for them (Ephesians 3:14). Part of Paul’s prayer includes the statement that they are rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17)….

old way of life vs the newness of life

Old Way of Life vs. the Newness of Life (the battle begins!)

Being made brand new, we find ourselves in new territory and wanting a newness of life in Christ. For our old way of life no longer is pleasing to us. Now the true battle begins on the inside as we journey towards working out our salvation.

What is the Newness of Life?

The newness of life means living a sanctified life before God.

As we move away from our old way of thinking, doing and being, our flesh will be hostile against the righteous desires of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-17). Our flesh does not want to be sanctified. Therefore, remember, our battle is not against other people in and of itself. It is a battle of separating from sin as we move toward our future glorified body in Christ forever.

New Creation in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17 by LivingHisWord.org

Being Made Brand New – New Creation in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17 NASB1995 17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

Each year, Spring brings in new life all around us. The rains come, waters the soil, and life blossoms. The earth embraces the warmth of the sun, and comes alive with deep, rich colors. Hallelujah, Spring comes once when we are a new creature in Christ, for we now have eternal life. The end of the cold, dark, and harsh winter has come.

As children of God, Jesus Christ is our spring of eternal life (John 4:14). He is our bread of life, Who came down from heaven (John 6:35). Faith in Jesus Christ delivers us out of the darkness and into the Light…

daily biblical news

Yuval Noah Harari says you are an Animal. Is Your Child Being Taught this?

Yuval Harari says, “You are an animal” Yuval Noah Harari is telling the world that you are not a human being. In fact, he is saying you are an animal. Please watch the video. The term man in the Bible sometimes refers to one male human, but more commonly means “human beings,” both male and …

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daily biblical news

Climate Change and Electric Cars?

Do you see the circle? Coal is bad “In Glasgow in November world leaders promised to stave off climate change and, for the first time, planned to “phase down” coal — the dirtiest fossil fuel.” “A research venture launched Wednesday will investigate whether Southwest Virginia’s vast supply of coal waste can be turned into high-value …

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mans mind plans but God directs his path

Man’s Mind Plans but God Directs His Path (Proverbs 16)

The mind of man is always making plans, even if you think you’re not, you are. We all make plans! Our plans can be general or in great detail. Either way, there are those plans that turned into a complete disaster. Sometimes we see why and sometimes we just can’t figure out what went wrong. What we thought was the ideal plan in our mind, turned out out to be no where near what we thought…

what does it mean to be set apart?

What Does It Mean To Be Set Apart For God

Christians are called to be set apart from this world. However we are not the first people to be called out from among this world. As we journey through you will begin to understand what set apart means, who is set apart, and how being set apart affects you…


Be Of Good Cheer (Good News of Great Joy) – Luke 2:10

      Luke 2:10-11 NASB1995 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; 11 for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord What …

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6 Helpful Bible Verses on Faith in Hard Times – Word of Encouragement

      Hard times will come to each and everyone of us. Our hardships may look different on the outside but they stir the same emotions on the inside. Peter, through the Holy Spirit, tells us not to be surprised when afflictions or “fiery trial” comes our way. But most of the time we are surprised, …

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Living in Dark Times – Word of Encouragement

Ever feel no one understands your pain? Fear is where you live. Anger is your first emotion. Or are you tired because life comes at you non-stop. You look at yourself and your life and you see an unmanageable mess with no way out. And every sinful choice leads to another sinful choice. Now the hole is to deep and to dirty.

Israel's role in the last days

The Importance of Israel Past, present & future events

Israel is the focal point of hate and violence from many nations, even though the land of Israel is only slightly larger than New Jersey. And yet theisrael-and-new-jersey opposition against the Jews having their own land prompts the call for their annihilation regularly. Why? Is Israel really just another piece of land?

The Importance Of Israel
Israel is important because Israel is important to God. God chose Israel for Himself and His purpose. The promises God gave Israel would be fulfilled. This makes the hatred and violence against the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, in reality, a war against the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.