2025 - We are pausing for a moment. Our loved one was diagnosed with cancer. Please keep us in prayer.
lord is our blessed hope

Christians Brutally Tortured for Their Faith In North Korean

Christians are being persecuted all over the world. At one time, America was free from oppressive persecution. But that can not be said anymore. Churches have been forced to close, be fined for not closing, or follow ridiculous rules. Teachers or leaders of the young in our schools are fired or told to stop praying …

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Jesus Came To Die Of His Own Will To Give Us a Savior, Luke 9

Jesus Came To Earth For One Purpose Jesus came to this earth with one set purpose, to make a way for people to be right with God. In order to do this He would have to die for the sins of mankind to appease God’s wrath. So, Jesus came to the earth to die. Luke …

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How To Cope With Ungodly People

Psalm 97:10 KJV Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. World Embracing Ungodly People It is difficult to watch societies around the globe embracing all kinds of godlessness. Sin destroys and kills everything it touches. Pride equals rebellion …

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what does the bible say about scoffers proverbs 15

What Does The Bible Say About Scoffers? Proverbs 15

There are many scoffers out there and some are easy to spot and some are not. Their belief of God’s word being the absolute authority on God, living a holy life, or going to heaven is not absolute. As we head toward Christ’s return scoffers will not see God’s word as a precious treasure. As …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Former Persecutor of Christians, Thien Nguyen Now Suffers for His Faith

In the article titled “Former Persecutor of Christians in Vietnam Now Suffers for His Faith”, we find someone who experienced what Saul experienced. Thien Nguyen did exactly what Saul did. He went around seeking Christians and then persecuting them by arresting them for their faith. Little did Thien Nguyen know that God had a plan …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Lawlessness Abounds In America, Matthew 24

The world is spiraling into lawlessness. But this does not mean things are out of control. It actually means prophetic signs are falling into place (Matthew 24).  Lawlessness Abounds When the wicked heart hears the restrictions are lifted, we witness the truth about the innermost part of people.  “The insanity that is 2020 continues and …

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God Has Been Forgotten and Idol Worship Abounds

We find ourselves living in a time when the true living God has been forgotten and many worship false idols. We can learn much about God from Israel in the Old Testament. Israel turned from God to the worship of false god’s on a steady basis. God called Isaiah to warn Israel of their sins. And …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Is Being Persecuted a Gift or a Curse?

Some may see being persecuted as a bad thing or even worse as a curse. However, God told us when we live a godly life we will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus tells us we will be persecuted and suffer tribulation (John 16:33). This means persecution will be, in some form, a part of …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Antisemitism Dates Back To The Old Testament, Genesis 12

Antisemitism might look like something new but surprisingly it is not. Hatred of Jews is found in the Old Testament. In this article by World Israel News there is a push for a president that is against Israel. “Galvanizing voters who may share the views of people like Omar and Ellison will be cause for …

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daily biblical news by Living His Word

Teaching Children About Porn, Having Sex And Liking It

“One passage, the institute said, reads: “From six up, I used to kiss other guys in my neighborhood, make out with them, and perform oral sex on them. I liked it. I used to love oral.” wnd.com “Some of the material in the packs comes from the LGBT activist group Educate and Celebratel and a …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

China Ask Christians To Renounce Their Faith or Starve

Anyone remotely familiar with the Chinese Communist Party knows that its leaders and members shun theocracy and religion because the only ‘higher power’ they want ordinary citizens to believe in, adhere to, and follow is CCP doctrine. But they do more than simply ‘shun’ it: The CCP has a vile history of punishing citizens who …

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What Life Are You Exemplifying, Light or Darkness? – 1 John 1:5

Are you exemplifying light or darkness to the world? Do you know if you are walking in the true light of God? Are you paying close attention to what God says concerning your walk in Christ?  “Light Of This World” is the first part of 1 John 1:5 bible study, click here to begin with …

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What Is Contentment and How To Obtain It? Philippians 4

Philippians 4:11-13 KJV Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. 12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both …

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Is Control An Illusion? What is God’s View On Control?

We make plans, work toward our dreams and goals thinking we are in control. Is that the truth? We will find the answer in scripture. The truth begins in Genesis. A Long Time Ago (a look at Genesis) Genesis 1:25-26 KJV 25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle …

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How To Have Faith During The Storms Of Life

How do we maintain our faith in Jesus Christ during the storms of our life? These storms test our faith, character and who we stand in. What help does God give us in His word regarding the storms of life? Ephesians 4 and Mark 4:37-40 describe being in a storm. Ephesians 4:14 KJV That we …

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Where Do I Find Refuge In Fear and Anxiety?

Fear and anxiety are the prevailing emotions of today. These are unusual times to say the least. Where do we turn to find refuge for our souls to be quieted? Matthew 11:25 KJV At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from …

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What Are The 2 Principles Of Inner and Outer Worship?

The inner and outer principles of worship include praise, serve, fear the Lord, and more. But worship is more than external works; it also involves the right internal attitude. To move forward, we must know what the word worship means.  How is worship defined? worship -..worth-ship, worthiness, honour…. the performance of devotional acts to a …

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daily biblical news, lining the news up with the bible, a biblical view, prophecy update

Panic and Fear Spreading Like a Disease!

Panic and fear is spreading like a disease which is actually making a bad situation worse. There are many news articles, videos and people talking about the coronavirus. Is this serious? Absolutely, but as believer’s in Christ we are to act with discernment and with wisdom. The world is panicking, freaking out and very upset …

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