Anti-semitism is growing among the nations. The hatred of Jews is rising in America. We see God’s word in action.
Israel became a nation in one day (Isaiah 66:8). God’s people are regathering to their land.
Zvi Weill is a member of the community and he “is now thinking of making Aliyah to Israel.” He goes on to say, “I am 50 years old and I have always dreamt of living in Israel,…“
Isaiah 43:5-6 says, Jews will return to Israel from every nation. Isaiah 60 says God will use the gentile nations to bring them back.
The result, Christ return is closer than ever.

Antisemitism breaks my heart, I believe it will not end until the new heaven and new earth.
It breaks our hearts as well. So much is happening so quickly. God Bless You!