A home completely destroyed by fire had verses from the bible written on wall studs. The wall studs survived the fire. We are sad to hear they lost their home. We pray for God to make a way for them to obtain another home and for the Lord to show them the purpose of this. In an article by WCAX it says:
“A home was completely destroyed by a fire late Sunday night, except several wall studs where scriptures from the Bible were written. The fire happened around midnight on Sunday. There were no injuries. The home was a total loss.” – wcax.com
Psalm 119:89, Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35, and 1 Peter 1:25, to name a few of many, tell us God’s word is forever. Jesus said His word will never pass away, Matthew 24:35. Things like this are a reminder that all other things will be destroyed but the word of God will never be destroyed.
Psalm 106 was written on the wall stud.
Psalm 106:1 KJV Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Stories On The Bible Surviving Tragic Events
There are many stories were the bible was left intact when everything around it was destroyed. A car was burning but the bible was left untouched. A motorhome was burned to the ground but the bible she was reading was left untouched on the bed. Stories like this are happening around the world.
Articles on God’s Word Surviving Tragic Events
- Remember When Hillary Scott’s Bible Survived a Bus Fire?
- Bibles, crosses survive West Virginia church fire, firefighters say
- Alabama man’s Bible survives devastating home fire, bringing firefighter to tears: ‘It was a miracle’
- MIRACLE BIBLE was SAVED when car was caught on fire!
- Here the news reports on a car that was on fire showing the bible was untouched and located in the front seat.
These are but a few articles on the bible surviving. There are many more out there.
Psalm 103:11 KJV For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him….17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him,…
Cited: Fire destroys house, stops at scriptures written on studs