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Home / Bible Teachings / 14 Bible Verses on God’s Love. Where is God During these Hard Times?

But God! Hope when tragedy strikes in our life

  Imagine you walked with the Provider, the Protector, and the Word for 3 years. Food appeared out of no where, money was found in the mouth of fish, and holy scriptures spoken and explained by Jesus like no one ever had. This was a time of amazing events for the disciples. Jesus provided for …

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What Are The 2 Principles Of Inner and Outer Worship?

The inner and outer principles of worship include praise, serve, fear the Lord, and more. But worship is more than external works; it also involves the right internal attitude. To move forward, we must know what the word worship means.  How is worship defined? worship -..worth-ship, worthiness, honour…. the performance of devotional acts to a …

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What Is Salvation?

Salvation is the work of God rescuing or saving us from standing guilty before God in our sin and having to pay the cost of sin. Romans 6:23 tells us the cost of sin is death. This is why every person who has ever lived and is living will die. When a person dies physically, they go …

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does evil win, heaven or hell

Does Evil Win People & Children

As a watchman (Ezekiel 33:6) on the wall I am immersed in the evil that permeates this world. I read and come across ungodliness at every turn but this week it struck a nerve. There was a website that had been hacked and when you clicked on a page, instead of going to your desired …

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Does God approve of Abortions?

Does the Almighty God approve of abortions? The quick answer is no, but why? God created us to have life. God’s Word talks about life and death. He is very specific of what He approves of and does not. In order to know in depth why God does not approve, we suggest reading your bible …

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