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Home / Bible Teachings / Armour of God – Enabling The Gospel Of Peace

Armour of God – Enabling The Gospel Of Peace

Ephesians 6:15 KJV And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Through faith in Jesus Christ, we have received the Gospel of peace. We have been re-created in Christ Jesus and now stand firm on Christ our foundation. The Gospel of peace gives us the right shoes to prepare us to stand against the enemy with readiness. The Gospel of peace is our strength to stand strong because Jesus Christ is the Good News.

So far, we are told to stand strong in the Lord, put on the whole armour of God which will enable us to stand strong, put on the belt of truth to stand against lies, and put on righteousness to live a holy and righteous life.

When we take our battle serious enough we will become a threat to the kingdom of darkness, and we will have to stand on the truth that we are in right standing with God which is displayed through our obedience to Him. Satan will do all he is allowed to push us down so we once again sit down and shut up. 

The feet are the foundation of our body but without the right shoes for the ground we are walking on, we will fail or fall. For believers, the Good News gives them the right shoes to stand in readiness for our war. We will look at a glimpse of the shoes we now wear.

My Shoes Now

According to Romans 8:1-2 we are no longer guilty before God and we have been set free “from the law of sin and death.” How? We are in Jesus Christ and the law of the Spirit has given us life and freed us.


Romans 8:3-4, Jesus, the Son of God, came from heaven to earth in a body like we have, that is sin to us, to be a sacrifice for our sins which stopped sins control over us. Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of the law that God demands. So, in Christ we are seen as having fulfilled all the law instead of breaking all the law. We show this by following the lead and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:5 tells us our minds are now set on the Holy Spirit which is life and peace. Satan is our accuser. We will not hold our peace if we waiver on our right standing before God. Our peace is broken when we take our eyes off Jesus and put them on the storm.

Romans 8:29 KJV For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. 31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

Salvation was not the idea or plan of mankind. Salvation belongs to God. The way of salvation belongs to God. The purpose of salvation is one: to be made into the image of the Son of God, Jesus, our Lord and Savior. When we face the battle, and we will, we stand knowing God is at peace with us, He will finish the work He started in us, and when God is for us who can defeat Him.

Do you believe this? Are you secure in your unearned salvation?

Victory In Christ

We now live in the victory of Christ Jesus. Through faith in Jesus Christ, God is our heavenly Father, we are in right standing with God, we have eternal life, we receive blessings from heaven and Christ Jesus appeals to God for us. God’s love is now in us, Christ keeps us, and nothing is able to separate us from His love.

To those who are not saved they live in this world without God and without hope (Ephesians 2:12). There is no true joy, peace, or love. All is surface and temporary because they are slaves to sin and Satan.


The believers power, strength, and righteousness is in their abiding in Jesus Christ. By abiding in Christ Jesus, truth is our conviction, and holiness is our lifestyle. We do not forget that all who have faith in Jesus the Christ are sinners and still have to fight the good fight of faith. But having peace with God and believing God is on your side will give you the strength to stand strong when attacked.

It is the unknown that makes us afraid. Through battle, we see our weakness and His strength. During these times, pray to know the Truth, the Life, the Way, Jesus Christ.

John 17:3 KJV And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Next we will put on the shield of faith and fight the attacks of the enemy.

Read All Of Our Armour Of God Bible Studies

  1. Purpose of the Armour of God and Why We Need It
  2. Belt Of Truth
  3. Breastplate Of Righteousness
  4. Enabling The Gospel Of Peace
  5. Learning To Use Your Shield Of Faith
  6. Shield Of Faith As a Weapon
  7. The Helmet Of Salvation
  8. Sword Of Spirit
  9. Prayer Life To Defeat The Enemy

More Bible Teachings to Read

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