There is a significant amount of genetic modification (GMO) in the food that we consume. Some foods are being grown in laboratories, and researchers have begun to incorporate mRNA into the process. They are altering the way that God originally designed food, which is a very concerning development.
Below, we will briefly discuss each one. However, we hope you do your research and learn the truth about what is happening.
What Are GMO Products (Foods)?

Genetically Modified Organisms often known as GMOs, genetically modified (GM foods), engineered foods (GE foods), or bioengineered foods are foods from organisms (such as plants, animals…) where the DNA has been altered by humans.
These organisms have had their genetic material modified in some way. This modification does not arise normally as a result of mating or other natural processes of genetic recombination. These items, whether they be foods or products, are not something that God invented. These foods are deadly and cause so many problems within the body.
Brief History of GMO
The tomato was the first food sold to the public in 1994 [1]. GMO production then branched out to other crops and nations. Many are unaware of what is in the food they are eating.
“There is a big chance that Americans have been consuming unregulated and unlabeled GMOs for years and do not know it. Things like cream cheese, ice cream and snack bars often contain GMO additives and have no regulations regarding their GMO status because they fall outside the reach of agencies that should be regulating food production.” [2]
Not everyone sees this as good. There are those who stop for a moment and think critically about the consequences of what they are getting themselves into. But is that a good thing for people and the earth?
“GMO-opposed groups claim that by signing these agreements, small farmers are forced to buy Monsanto seeds each year under conditions they often find onerous and at high costs that they cannot afford.” [3]
The article goes on to say, “The corn seed product Monsanto donated to Haiti has been treated with the fungicide Maxim XO, while the calypso tomato seeds were treated with thiram.” [3]
What is Thiram? Thiram is, “Thiram is a highly toxic chemical belonging to the ethylene bisdithiocarbamates (EBDCs) class.” The EPA warns that any plant treated with EBDC is “dangerous to agricultural workers,” The EPA mandates agriculture workers “wear protective clothing when handling them.” [3]
The chemicals on the seeds are not the only danger to people.
GMO and Roundup
GMO Seeds are created to withstand certain herbicides. Since 1995, much information has come to light about the harm of GMOs and Roundup.
“Most genetically modified crops are designed to tolerate Roundup, thus allowing spraying against weeds during the growing season of the crop without destroying it.” [4]
Where did this lead? “Having been so heavily used, this herbicide is now found in the soil, water, air, and even in humans worldwide.” [4]
What are the effects of using this? “There can be little doubt that humans are negatively affected, although ethical constraints prevent research on humans to confirm this.” [4]
GMO seeds and Roundup are still in use despite the knowledge of their destruction. So, what is the truth?
The Truth About Roundup
The truth about Roundup is that studies have found it to be toxic.
The studies done on Roundup “have found harm to the environment and to health, making it imperative to regulate the use of Roundup and to ensure that its various formulations pose no danger when used in the long-term. Unfortunately, regulators may only assess the ‘active ingredient’, glyphosate, and ignore the toxicity of the formulants, which can be far more toxic than the active ingredient.” [4]
What is the Purpose of GMO Seeds?
“The Green Revolution technology package of commercial seeds and fertilizers seemed like the kind of technology that could solve Africa’s hunger problems. Future innovations, such as genetically modified crops, held the promise, for the Gates Foundation, to dramatically improve African agriculture.” [5]
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was behind this change in Africa. The money came “from financier Warren Buffett in 2006, which allowed them to launch their development program.” [5]
The farmers were told, “The stated goal originally was to double incomes for 20 million smallholder households while cutting food insecurity in half.” [5]
Did the GMO seeds increase the crop yield, decrease their poverty level, and give them more food security? No
“They have no more money to improve their food security, meanwhile their diet diversity has decreased as their crop diversity has declined with all the attention to maize.” [5]
Backup Video if YouTube took this one down.

Lab-Grown Foods: What Is It?

Animal cells are cultured in a lab to produce lab-grown food, also known as cultured food.
The process involves taking a small sample of animal cells and putting them in an environment where they can grow and multiply. Over time, these cells grow tissue that can be taken out and turned into food.
This is not what God intended, and they have no idea what the future holds. God foresaw that we would have billions of people, and He has a plan for the earth.
Isaiah 24:1-9 BSB, 1 Behold, the LORD lays waste the earth and leaves it in ruins. He will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants— 2 people and priest alike, servant and master, maid and mistress, buyer and seller, lender and borrower, creditor and debtor. 3 The earth will be utterly laid waste and thoroughly plundered. For the LORD has spoken this word. 4 The earth mourns and withers; the world languishes and fades; the exalted of the earth waste away. 5 The earth is defiled by its people; they have transgressed the laws; they have overstepped the decrees and broken the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore a curse has consumed the earth, and its inhabitants must bear the guilt; the earth’s dwellers have been burned, and only a few survive. 7 The new wine dries up, the vine withers. All the merrymakers now groan. 8 The joyful tambourines have ceased; the noise of revelers has stopped; the joyful harp is silent. 9 They no longer sing and drink wine; strong drink is bitter to those who consume it.
How Are They Adding mRNA To The Foods We Eat?
They are currently experimenting with the mRNA in the foods we consume every day. This injection is being added to our daily foods, such as meat, poultry, pork, produce, and more. The following are some articles that discuss foods that are currently undergoing testing or have had mRNA incorporated into them.
“Mad scientists are now experimenting with mRNA injections in beef, poultry, pork, and produce. There are currently no laws to protect the food supply and the human genome from an onslaught of mRNA experiments and the mass production and deployment of biological weapons inside animals and produce.” [6]
“Unfortunately, if you’ve been eating pork from the grocery stores, even organic pork, it’s probably been treated with mRNA because pork producers have been using mRNA products since 2018.” [7]
“The future of vaccines may look more like eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm. UC Riverside scientists are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories.” [8] [9]
“That same government, however, is spending gobs of American tax dollars to develop artificial mRNA plant “vaccines”” that Americans will be encouraged to consume and possibly even grow themselves in order to “protect” themselves against the latest designer “viruses.”“ [10]
What Does the Bible Say About Genetically Modified, Lab Grown or mRNA Food?
The Bible does not specifically talk about GMO, lab-grown, or mRNA foods. But it does talk about how we are to treat our bodies, which He gave us. We like what Got Questions says on this subject.
What is the biblical view on genetically modified food? The Bible doesn’t say anything specifically about genetically modified foods, but it does address the role we are to play in caring for the earth. Genesis 1:26-30 tells us that God created Adam and Eve and instructed them to multiply and fill the earth, to subdue it, and rule over every living thing that moves on the earth. He also told them that every plant and tree yielding seed was to be their food.
These passages show us mankind’s role on the earth and how that role changed after sin entered the world. Plants, animals, and trees today are still suffering the effects of that initial sin and are very susceptible to the ravages of disease, drought, and insects. Genetically modifying food sources is one way mankind is trying to offset the effects of the original curse. By altering the genetic makeup of organisms such as plants, animals, or bacteria to make them more resistant to insects, temperature, or disease, scientists and farmers are working together to improve food sources for the world’s population.
These genetic alterations may come with much risk to humans, animals, and plants, though, and only time will tell if this experiment will be helpful or harmful in the long run. Romans 8:18-23 reminds us that today, along with all of mankind, creation groans and longs to be set free from death and decay, and only in the future when God physically redeems His children and all of His creation will that happen. At that time everything God created will be restored to its initial perfect state…
by GotQuestions
The truth is that all of God’s creation is suffering under the curse of sin. The curse, wages, of sin is death. As a result, in the future, God will destroy everything. But those pushing these agendas don’t believe in the true living God or His Son. Their unbelief drives them to create their own solutions to the problems.
When you do not believe in God, heaven, or hell, and you believe the earth is dying, what do you do? You must find the cause and eliminate it. So far, the causes are people and animals. The conclusion becomes, the population of these must be drastically reduced. This is being done by pushing the bug-eating, fake food, green energy, climate change, etc. agenda.
But this is more than a physical attack; it is a spiritual war. Satan fights his battles through nothing but lies because he is the father of all lies. He hates Christ Jesus and all who stand in their faith in His name. His goal is for people to worship him as God. The method of getting there is to steal, kill, and destroy.
This is why leaders are taking people’s freedom, food, children, and lifestyle around the globe. People are fighting back to stop the taking of their organic and heirloom seeds and their lifestyle. They know GMO, lab-grown, and mRNA food is toxic to the body and robs you of nutrients. Then it kills your energy level and ability to function, until it finally destroys you as a person.
We pray and hope you read and learn the truth about what is happening. Because, they have a plan, and their goal is to depopulate the earth. They believe they will achieve this by tainting our food supply.
Do not let their lies mislead you. No matter how hard Satan tries to erase God, His Son, and His word, he cannot (Matthew 5:18). The only living Triune God is eternal. The truth remains: each person born will spend eternity in heaven or hell. Except through the Truth, the Way, and the Life, Jesus the Christ, no one can stand before God without being guilty or deserving of hell (John 14:6).
Jesus is coming soon. Where will you spend eternity?
Current Information About GMO Food, Lab-Grown Food and mRNA
- Learn about the chemicals you are putting into your body and why you crave certain foods.
- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains a list of foods, medications, and other products that contain GMOs
- USDA’s new GMO-free label refuses to even mention ‘GMO’
- Lab-made chicken meat grown from CANCER CELLS receives FDA approval – are you ready to eat TUMOR nuggets?
- GMO ingredients in “fake meat” Impossible Burgers linked to health issues
- GMO Food and GMO Vaccines – Humans are becoming disease-manufacturing machines
- Comparison of GMO and non-GMO corn – the real statistics will astound you!
- GMO alert: U.S. attempting global censorship of GMO food labeling
- Court smacks USDA for lack of transparency in GMO labeling
- Besides organic, what’s not GMO?
- Lab-grown meat will never feed the world or be commercially viable
- Lab-Grown Meat? How Food Technology Could Change What’s On Your Plate
- Mad scientists are now experimenting with mRNA injections in beef, poultry, pork, and produce… food supply bioweapons?
- Fake food vs real food: American grocery stores offer a wide variety of… chemicals, toxins and dangerous foods

[1] What GM crops are currently being grown and where?, The Royal Society,
[2] Bill Gates, WEF promoting dangerous GMO foods and fake foods, NewsTarget,
[3] Haitian Farmers Reject Monsanto Donation, Food Safety News,
[4] Glyphosate, Roundup and the Failures of Regulatory Assessment, National Library of Medicine,
[5] Agricultural revolution: “The Gates Foundation is leading Africa to failure”, IATP,
[6] Mad scientists are now experimenting with mRNA injections in beef, poultry, pork, and produce… food supply bioweapons?, NewsTarget,
[7] Confused About MRNA Vaccines in Meat? That’s Exactly How They Want It., The Organic Prepper,
[8] Grow and eat your own vaccines?, Riverside News,
[9] An Update on That mRNA Lettuce Research, The Organic Prepper,
[10] Scientists now developing mRNA in vegetables, Food Sciences Community,
The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible, BSB Copyright ©2016, 2020 by Bible Hub Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. – Berean Bible
Thank you for the information!
There is a lot here to take in, I never knew that summer squash and other vegetables are being modified.. Yet they claim to spend so much money on “healthy eating” projects..
I truly believe that Roundup gave my grandparents cancer, they had no clue of the danger.
God Bless!
I definitely hear you! This is a lot of information to read, research and add here, but the truth needs to be spoken. As you know, they are playing God, but they will never re-create what God did. All they create is DEATH! Thank you for your comment.