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4 men preaching the gospel are challenging the U.K. for harassment

Home / Daily Biblical News / 4 men preaching the gospel are challenging the U.K. for harassment

Four men who preached the gospel in the UK 

“are having their case heard in court today as they challenge what they call a “sustained campaign of harassment” by the U.K. police as they have faced criminal charges and were jailed — and some were prosecuted, in light of public rejection of the proclamation of the gospel.”

What was their argument?

“During the legal proceedings, prosecutor Ian Jackson argued before the court that preaching that Jesus is the only way to God “cannot be a truth” and that some passages of the Bible are not acceptable for the present day.”

Is this mindset growing?

“Stockwell, an itinerant preacher based in the United States, told Christian Concern that certain sins have become more socially acceptable over the past several decades, to the point where if one says anything against them from a biblical standpoint, they are labeled as bigots.

And when bystanders consequently rage against the proclamation of the word of God, the police — both in America and the U.K. — do not seem to be well-trained in the rights of those who engage in public speech. Instead of upholding the law, they react based on the angst of the crowd.”

All believers are to be contending for the faith.

Jude 1:3 KJV Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

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Jude wanted to write about the salvation they share but God said it was “needful” for him to encourage us to fight for our faith. This is where believers have been and where we are now. Satan rebelled against God in heaven and he certainly wars against the church. As we near the time of the Tribulation, hatred toward God, His Son, His Word, and His own will grow and become global.

Are we fighting the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12)? Do we understand when we live out God’s truth we do so continuously (2 Timothy 3:12)? And with the knowledge the true Gospel of Christ is offensive and stupid to the unbeliever (1 Corinthians 1:18-21).

2 Timothy 3:1-5 NASB 1 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these.

The war increases

“The last decade has been crazy, really. [It has been] steadily getting worse from authorities and certainly an element of the general public,” plaintiff Mike Overd said in a video released by Christian Concern. “There are windows of grace and quietness from the police and the authorities, and then it all kicks off again.”

Every single person walks on a path leading to eternity. One path leads to eternal life and the other path leads to eternal damnation. God implores us to choose Life, His Son.

“Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. www.lockman.org

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