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Home / Bible Teachings / Old Way of Life vs. the Newness of Life (the battle begins!)
old way of life vs the newness of life

Old Way of Life vs. the Newness of Life (the battle begins!)

Being made brand new, we find ourselves in new territory and wanting a newness of life in Christ. For our old way of life no longer is pleasing to us. Now the true battle begins on the inside as we journey towards working out our salvation.

What is the Newness of Life?

The newness of life means living a sanctified life before God.

As we move away from our old way of thinking, doing and being, our flesh will be hostile against the righteous desires of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-17). Our flesh does not want to be sanctified. Therefore, remember, our battle is not against other people in and of itself. It is a battle of separating from sin as we move toward our future glorified body in Christ forever.

New Creation in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17 by LivingHisWord.org

Being Made Brand New – New Creation in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17 NASB1995 17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

Each year, Spring brings in new life all around us. The rains come, waters the soil, and life blossoms. The earth embraces the warmth of the sun, and comes alive with deep, rich colors. Hallelujah, Spring comes once when we are a new creature in Christ, for we now have eternal life. The end of the cold, dark, and harsh winter has come.

As children of God, Jesus Christ is our spring of eternal life (John 4:14). He is our bread of life, Who came down from heaven (John 6:35). Faith in Jesus Christ delivers us out of the darkness and into the Light…


Paul Teaches The Church Reaffirming Love Shows Forgiveness

Paul Urges that Reaffirming Love Shows Forgiveness Someone in the church had caused offense and sorrow to Paul and the congregation. The church was instructed to discipline him. Paul learned that the punishment the man had received from the church, led him to repentance. So Paul writes a letter to the Corinthian church to tell them …

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